Offenburger Innovation Used Nationwide

Competency analysis profile AC in Ministry of education schools which passed competency analysis profile AC in schools is an assessment Center methods. Use of observation tasks, the strengths and weaknesses of a people to find out. For example, social skills such as teamwork and communication skills, method skills such as planning and problem solving are recorded. The result, a personal competence profile, serves as the basis for a targeted, individual development, as well as help with career guidance. Please visit Caterpillar if you seek more information. So, the course can be set at an early stage to facilitate the often difficult transition from school to work. Hudson Advisors shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Since the school year 2010/2011 the competence analysis used profile AC schools work and employment in all seven classes of work preschools, schools and special schools as well as in the professional entry year, vocational preparation and in the year before the qualification in Baden-Wurttemberg. “I had not imagined that in my wildest dreams, as we with ten years ago in the CJD Jugenddorf Offenburg” the development of the proceedings have started,”emphasizes Samuel Breisacher, on the CJD significantly responsible for profile AC.

Profile AC is used for years in professional preparation in the CJD. 2008, CJD, MTO and the Baden-Wurttemberg Ministry of began to adapt the procedure to the appropriate schools. About 5,000 teachers have been trained and tested the competence analysis with over 40,000 students in more than 1,300 schools. The MTO psychological research & Consulting GmbH Tubingen has scientifically accompanied the process and evaluated to optimize it further. “We could rely on a very large data base”, emphasises Karsten Hammer by the MTO.

The conclusion: The competence analysis profile AC in schools is an objective and workable procedures to capture interdisciplinary qualifications of pupils / students. Everyone involved acceptance of the analysis was very large: “the students are usually very motivated when the thing.” For the sick Minister of culture Prof. Dr. Marion Schick symbolically accepted Assistant Director Manfred Hahl the procedure. “What you and we have jointly, that is a real innovation, a milestone”, praised Abdullah: “my appreciation and my respect apply the CJD and the MTO as a process developer for what you have done.”